Edran Liadon (pronounced Ed-RAN Lie-ah-don) was a male wood elven monk. He was born in Oslean, Uparia in the year 379 4E.
“ | Never knowing his real parents, Edran was adopted and raised by a Dwarf named Marcell Liadon. Brought up on the ship The Engageante, he learnt the ways of the water and the creatures that lurked within it (as well as some horrendously foul language along the way).
During his time he visited all but two countries. This led to him developing expertise in map reading and navigation. His dreamy eyes and muscular build have a tenancy to draw attention away from his rough nature, gaining the favour of a young lady who he has kept in contact with throughout his years of travel. When he's off ship, Edran can be found in local bars, trading in his "hard earned" gold for a pint or two. Occasionally getting into the odd bar fight. After years of curiosity and confusion about his roots, Edran was tasked with discovering his ancestors and learning about his past. Until he finds out, Edran is land bound and finds himself out of the comfort of his friends and in the company of a 100% female crew...crew? Is that the right word? |
” |
— by Megan Freeman |
Edran was a wood elf, he stood at 6'5" (1.96 m) and weighing around 145 lbs (66 kg). He was a very attractive man, with a square jaw, high cheekbones and well sculpted lips with a small, button nose. He had short, wavy, silver hair and a bronze complexion thanks to his years at sea. He possessed silvery irises.
He generally wore a simple, white shirt, with a fancy, blue sailors coat, dark blue trousers with brown leather boots. He also had a blue pirates hat which he takes great pride in.
Edran's personality was...well...it was very...different. He was very bubbly and excitable, with a mind that acts on the slightest impulse.
He enjoyed pranking people, and took next to nothing with any level of seriousness, often leading people to think he was an idiot (which admittedly wasn't far from the truth).
Edran's most precious possession was his golden pocket watch. It was emblazoned with a strange symbol that Edran spent a long time trying to find the origin of.
He also owned a magical stone with a hole in it. The hole was in fact a tiny portal to a matching stone owned by Edran's lover Ashaerah. The stones allowed the lovers to communicate via letters despite the distance between the two of them.
Edran had come into possession with a magical shortsword named Swarmbane. This beautifully carved sword was owned by the Eladrin Lord, Xoneras Sunshadow long ago.
Edran Liadon was adopted by Marcel Liadon off the coast of Uparia when he was only a few months old. He has never met or even known of his biological family, but seemed to fit in nicely with Marcel's, growing up along side his dwarven younger siblings.
Edran travelled around on Marcel's ship, learning the ways of a sailor (and the more...violent version) along the way. He became close friends with his crew mates and they all made great drinking buddies. However they tended to get a reputation for causing trouble, making Edran unwelcome in certain places he goes.
Edran seems to have a natural stealthiness about him, making him the perfect partner in crime for a pick-pocketer. He would often use this to his advantage when pulling small pranks on his friends (as they all did to each other).
Edran is rather uneducated, he knows basic things but never went to school. Though he is very well travelled, going to all but two countries in the world. However he never went too far inland...the best taverns are on the coast ;)
He also became a keen collector, keeping tabs on teeth he would "just so happen to stumble across".
Player Characters within the Infinite Isles |
MELF D&D - Fadan Legends Anguish • Edran Liadon • Jo'Khavi Atahnnil • Magni Aldersmith • Vladius Skyforge CCC D&D Ak'Xevar • Fi • Gomez • Greroth • Ma'Khinasi • Varis • Waffles |