Infinite Isles Wikia
Infinite Isles Wikia
Angela's Notes
"Now here's a tough one. Anguish and I had our altercations - she didn't like me at first - some people don't. But it didn't take long before I managed to get her to see things straight and stop fearing her past so much."

Some scars should be feared
  — Anguish, 530 4E

Anguish was a female tiefling sorceress. She was born in Halland, Alucard in the year 505 4E, four years after the end of the Infernal War.


Born to the lava ridden land of Alucard, its unsurprising that the young Tiefling woman has an affinity for fire based magic. Shortly after her birth it was discovered (after an incident involving a very flammable market stall and a large fire bolt) that she had an innate spellcasting prowess. She was later gifted with an arcane focus which now resides in the bloodwood staff that rarely left her side until quite recently. Anguish is not unused to being shunned by society. Even with her sarcastic and rude tone (which is to be expected when you're raised by the streets of Halland), her dark red skin, freckled with barely visible scales, and curved horns tend to unnerve many.

A scowling and normally quiet person (until she starts drinking that is), Anguish spends her time educating herself, baking (the bread she bakes is surprisingly tasty), going on 'walks' that tend to last hours and, unsurprisingly, drinking. When it comes to food her large appetite and great appreciation for anything edible makes up for her lack of table manners, which are apparently hard to learn after 16 years of dining without a dinner table.

Anguish is exceptionally paranoid and wary of everything, especially Catfolk and other Tieflings, she even avoids turning her back on people who have not yet gained her trust, possibly to keep anyone from seeing the series of long scars that run along her back, their presence is only known by few and fewer know their origin.

So how did this distrusting Tiefling end up in the town of Daldur? After years of solitude Anguish is finally ready for the one thing she's not had in a long time: a friend.

  — by Olivia Flett


Anguish was a tiefling, she stood at an amazonian 6'2" (1.88 m) and weighed (normally) around 130 lbs (59 kg). She had very sharp features, with an angular jaw, thin, pointed chin and high, prominent cheekbones. Her skin was cherry red in colour and her hair a darker, more blood-like hue. Her brilliant golden eyes shone like stars.

She generally wore plain and simple dresses, or travelling clothes of varying colours with a large, black, hooded cloak covering much of her body when she wishes to remain unnoticed.

Around her neck lies three very different necklaces, the first and more noticeable is a leather chord holding a spherical crystal about the size of a marble, any who know her well recognise this as her arcane focus. The second necklace is a small symbol to the god of death, Nevthar, tied on with a thin, silver chain. The final is a bronze chain, holding a small locket, inside is a picture of a small tiefling family, consisting of a mother, a father, a far younger Anguish (perhaps 4 or 5) and another similarly sized tiefling. However the child's identity is unknown as their face has been burnt away; possibly by Anguish herself. The other side of the locket has recently been filled with a photo of a teenage Anguish, perhaps 16 or 17; alongside another much smaller tiefling with black hair cut into a bob, long downward curling horns and a large, circular pair of glasses. They sit on a bench with a valley of green behind them, a small crocheted rabbit sits between them and the other tiefling girl cradles a pillow with some indecipherable writing.


Anguish is a very arrogant young woman. Her boldness in and out of battle can often lead to her downfall. Aside from this Anguish is generally a quiet person who keeps to herself, until she starts drinking. She will sometimes have childlike moments of curiosity and excitement, especially when confronted with something new.




Very little of Anguish's backstory has been revealed, she is very secretive of her past, almost to a point of arousing suspicion even within the party. Xaxi has had a few one-to-one talks with Anguish which appears to have revealed a small amount of her life prior to her arriving in Daldur.



Player Characters within the Infinite Isles
MELF D&D - Fadan Legends
AnguishEdran LiadonJo'Khavi AtahnnilMagni AldersmithVladius Skyforge